Chris/Brett and myself all feel we must coordinate attacks to minimize wastes. Spending 3,4 attacks gaining 2 stars on a lower base is sure way to lose! We need to aim for no more than 2 attacks spent on each base to get 3 stars on lower mid bases and two stars on higher bases.
Each player has two attacks, if one of them aims lower and gains 3 stars, another aims ur own ranking rage, u have a chance to two star it. That will maximize our star counts. Hence, we decide to give players bases to attack and coordinate these attacks.
You should voice your opinions using the comments section. Everyone can comment so please don't be shy. So here we go, I will start with weak air bases and who should do it. It's all about your troop strength and your experiences.
#9: very exposed lower level ADs. Use max balloons or lvl 4,5 hogs to knock out both sides of ADs, lime up dragons from south east end in a thin line to cover all grounds so they will just sweep in instead of going all over the place. Rage heal near TH. I usually use 2 heals 2 rages.
Players should have max loons, or lvl 4 hogs, 4 spells and lvl 3 dragons. CP, Zedd, Kitty
#10: Excellent for Air. All 3 xbows are set to ground. Extremely weak Wiz towers and archer towers for TH10. lvl 5 ADs only. This is equivalent to a TH8 base from Air raid perspective.
Attack style: Balloonions. Must kill CC.. If there are wiz, balloons are dead. 30 Max balloons, 30 lvl 5+ minions,1 lvl 3 dragons, and troops to kill CC. Heros. 2 rages, 2 heal.
Players: CP, Zedd, Kitty
#12: Gowipe or Gowiwi base.
#15: Hog base.. lvl 4 hogs minimum
crasher, seejay,James
#17: Can be air raided. Attack from north due do short range of wiz towers without archer towers. Use archers to pick off all loose buildings along the north edge by placing them on the edge of the map. No defense can touch them. Tab on defense buildings to see their ranges so you know where to place archers. Once done, place your dragons in L shape charging directly from north side down toward TH. To three star this base, you must do something to the south side of ADs. Send in hogs or heros, or whatever. Lvl 3 dragons minimum.
Players: Jamespark (need TH9 raider for this)
#18: Air raid will work. Pick off the lower east side of AD. Attack from north east side charging towards TH. Do not forget to leave some archers to pick off the builders hut on 4 corners. Use your heros to pick off the loose buildings along the side to keep dragons concentrated in the center. Save queen in case you need to finish the TH.
Players: Jamespark (need TH9 raider for this)
#20: Sadak is doing his first raid on this base.
#22: Can try all dragon raid. Key is to keep dragons concentrated in the middle so use archers to pick off the army camps and all the loose buildings along the edges first. A lot of them are far from defenses. Be aware of the three builder huts in the corners. I would go from north west side that's closer to the TH. When you come from that direction, the AD near Dark Elixer storage doesn't have enough range if you fly in from left side to finish the TH and other two ADs.
Players: Tenzi, sadak, jake
#23: Air raid with mass dragons can work.
Tenzi, jake, sadak or anyone has lvl 3 dragons.
#25: One AD is outside, take it out and release mass dragons. lvl 3 minimum
Tenzi, sadak, Jake
#26: A low level GoWiPe or GoWiWi base
#30: A hog or a dragon base since it's compact enough.
Tracey: Try level 2 hogs or level 2 dragons. If trying dragons, line up dragons in a L shape either from north corner or south corner. Don't go from either left or right corners cuz you will be nailed by both ADs at the same time. Don't forget the builder huts on 4 corners. Pick them off via archer or barb.