Monday, September 22, 2014

War Journal - AC Columbia 9/21/14

This win is a milestone for our clan. This is the first war in my memory that everyone came together, bounced off ideas, coordinated attacks, gave whatever we could give and did what is the best for the clan, not your personal loot. And everyone took the time to raid smarter. Great job guys! If we keep doing what we did, we will keep winning!!!


  • James and Muzi won the best defenses. 13 attacks wasted on 2 bases! Now I call that good defense!
  • Seejay, Tenzi, Jake, Griffin all achieved 100% on both attacks. 
  • Zedd 4 starred 5,7 with archers. JK.. but he did gain a star with last 5 archers on #5,, the most insane attack of the war.

Why they lose

  • Their #1 guy is a classic example of gemming max troops without the knowledge nor the experiences to use them correctly. Freeze archer tower instead of Air Defense during all dragon raids is dumb ass mistake. And attacking Tenzi instead of higher base is wasting his resources for the clan. 
  • They had 100% participation minus the one guy who quit during the war. However, they are average raiders. Most don't know how to use their troops. Most don't know how to read maps either. One example, they used hogs on GoWiPe base wasted 42 max hog riders. If you look at the amount of three and two stars we did comparing to theirs, that's the very reason why we won and they lost. You have to raid smarter!!!

Here is the stats I am saving since war logs only last a few days.

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