Tuesday, September 23, 2014

War Against Astur Clan

War Rules:

  • Everyone needs to put in 2 attacks unless Fatmat says otherwise. We are shooting for 100% participation. 
  • No one should attack 2+ bases higher than your ranking except the top guys. Talk to White Run/Fatmat/Brett or myself if you want to attack higher. Don't be a hero. 
  • Key to win war is to three star a base with your first shot. Pick a base you can three star. If not sure, go lower. Go 5 or more bases lower than your ranking until you find a base you can three star with confidence. 
  • NO mass BARCH attack. Use war troops. No one shall use farming troops with goblins. If you don't' know what to do, talk to leadership. Someone is always on during war time. 
  • Leave the top bases for the top ranked guys. If you rank lower than 10, don't even try unless you have the blessing from fatmat/brett/kitty
  • If your ground troops are lvl 4 and you have no lvl 3 hogs, do not even think about raiding TH8 with them. You won't make it. Lvl 2 mass dragons is the only troop composition that has a chance to 2 star a TH8. 

Enemy War Bases

I am the air raider so I will post bases for the air attacks. Brett, Chris and White Run will have opinions on ground bases

#11 is excellent for air raid. Currently all three xbows are set to ground. Exposed ADs. High level mass dragons after most ADs are taken out is doable for even three star. 

#13 is not bad for mass dragon raid. One AD can be killed by one dragon fireball blow. The rest are clustered in center and their ranges won't reach far enough when you are taking out the outter skirt structures. When in center, rage dragons to kill the ADs and TH quickly

 #14,#17 can be raided by mass dargons. Get rid of the ADs as much as you can. They are quite exposed. #14 seems compact for hogs, but there might be double bombs there. If so, your max hogs will be wiped so be cautious to use hogs on that base. 

#15 #16 can be Gowipe attacked or GoWiWi ... Spread out enough for these ground attacks
#18 might be a good hog base. 

Be cautious to use hogs on #20. Too many traps inside. 

#21 is ringus base. You must break the ring if you use defense targeted troops such as balloons or hogs. Otherwise, they will just go around. Of course, if you can 100% it, doesn't really matter. 

#23 can be air raided by drags. Use hogs to kill 2/3 ADs. Spread dragons on one thing line closest to the last AD, base is urs.

Tracey is trying #33, #34, Poision is trying #35. Do not take these bases unless you are cleaning.

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