Monday, October 6, 2014

War against Poland Spring

This is not a typical clan we have faced, at least not from the bases we have seen. None of the base is rushed. They are all maxed at each TH level. You can read their clan desc that they require none rushed bases to join and the clan is newly created for war.

After scanning through the bases, very few can be raided by dragons and almost all bases are anti-hogging. So you must check in with a co before you want to dragon or hog raid any bases.

How to fight this clan?? After talking to Brett and Chris, your best bet is to go ground and use Gowipe - Golem, wiz and pekka. And a lot of wall breakers. Carry rage spells. Here is a sample army composition:

2 golems (3 golems if space allowed for TH9/10 folks)
-3 pekkas 
-14 - 18 wizards 
-9-12 wallbreakers 
-rest archers 
3 rage and 1 lightning
-Start every battle by checking clan castle for troops and killing heroes; Deploy both of your golems, apply rage and drop wall breakers right after; start dropping archers and half your wizards to clear the outside building to make a straight path for the pekkas; once outside is cleared, deploy your pekkas and the rest of your wizards plus your heros, apply a rage spell; Deploy clan castle if needed, once troops are near the center, use your last rage so they get the TH fast. You can ask for a high lvl pekka (25 space) or a golem(30 spaces)  from the leadership. If only 20 spaces in CC, ask for 5 max wizzies.

Advanced players can use Gowiwi or Gowiwipe. I agree with Brett, even lvl 1golem pekka will do better than dragons.

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