Tuesday, September 30, 2014

$20 Air Raid Comp hosted by Kitty (Open till 10/2 6pm EST)

Kitty is hosting an all air raid comp.
Rule: Anything flies goes. No heroes. Spells are OK.
1DE = 100 elixer, this gives lower trophy folks a fair chance.
Most loot wins.

$20 card prize. One winner from TH7/8 players, One winner from TH9/10 players.

Doh!! Bubble baby got beaten by Sadak. He got 695,698. Sorry James.

Chris leading TH9/10.: 756K

see screenshots:

Monday, September 29, 2014

War against the Rich Fat Chinese Clan 9/28

I know most of you can't read this Chinese clan name. Its translated as Big Rich People Clan. And their bases are reflected. Their #1,#2,#5,#9,#10 guys gemmed their ways to top 10. 16 TH10's! Ouch on the wallet!!!

The bases are not so impressive other than the infernos. There are many weak air bases and hog friendly bases especially in the lower half tier bases.So if you want to mass dragon or mass hog raid this clan, you actually can. This is the complete opposite situation from the last clan we dealt with. The only issue with this clan is how to deal with infernos.

If you are TH9, TH8 players. Don't touch infernos unless you have Brett's lvl 4 golem and max pekka, etc.

Note: most first raids r done, so please just clean one low base for the clan and do one raid within your ranking. It is still not OK to snipe higher bases until we r sure we win!
#1- 16 : aim for two stars
#17,#19,#20 can not be 3 starred via air. You should not attempt to three star those unless you have lvl 3+ golem, lvl 3+ pekka, lvl 5+ wiz and witch. 
Clean #24,#30,#31,#33

Here is a list of the bases being called. Please do not attack these bases unless your name is listed :

#15,#16; Brett
#17: James
#18: Kitty
#21: Jamespark
#20,#22: Seejay
#23 : Bear
#24 #30: Nardawg
#26: Aztec
#27, #31: Sadak
#28,#29: Req or Spash
#32 Crasher
#36 Tracey
#37 gary
#40 WhiteDragin
Anyone else called up base, let me know.

Sunday, September 28, 2014

Brett's all minion contest (Closed)

Winners are Zedd and BrendN

Thanks to Brett for sponsoring the all minion contest. Minions only, no heros, spells are allowed. Most loot wins. 1DE equals to 200 elixer. Add them up, biggest number wins.
1 winner for TH8/7 , 1 winner for TH9/10

Current leader for TH9/10 is Zedd, followed by White Run. BrendN is beating Jamespark currently for TH8.

You win $10 iTune or Google Play card

Friday, September 26, 2014

Work your bases to be Anti-X

We learned through many wars that good defense is as important as offense. When enemy had to waste 10 attacks on you, you win!!! So I am going to call out a few bases that need some work here. If your name is listed here, CHANGE and ENHANCE your base!. Your base needs to be anti hog and anti air. You will not be able to do anti everything, but you can come close by using this guide. Also remember, if your base is too spread, it will become a weak Gowipe or Gowiwi base, so always always protect your TH, CC and Air defense and put double giant bombs inside of your walls!! Good luck. Here is the guide:

The Guide to Anti-X base

Nardawg, Your air defenses are way too outside.. They are already weak, so move them inside a bit. You are an easy target for air raid.. Best bet is to spread the course like Aztec's. Dragon raiders will think twice about it..

Buggerlugs: Your TH is way too outside. Easy to get two stars on you, Why give away stars. Spread ur base and hide your TH in the center

Nick: Your base is easy target for hogs. Too compact. And your giant bombs are outside. Spread your base and hide traps inside to kill hogs.

brenden: Your TH is easy target. Re-arrange.

Even if your name is not called, please read the above guide and enhance your base.

Thursday, September 25, 2014

Fatmat's Contest (closed) : Most Loot 9/25

Unbelievable!! Sadak came in the last second barely beating Jake's record by 5000...Sadak's 257 dark sealed the deal!!! I am posting both of their raid pictures. Reggie held his 1.06mil  unbreakable record and won the TH9/10 category.

Two winners, one for TH7/8 dudes and one for TH9/10
1 DE = 200 elixer. Add them up.. Most loot wins.

Tuesday, September 23, 2014

War Against Astur Clan

War Rules:

  • Everyone needs to put in 2 attacks unless Fatmat says otherwise. We are shooting for 100% participation. 
  • No one should attack 2+ bases higher than your ranking except the top guys. Talk to White Run/Fatmat/Brett or myself if you want to attack higher. Don't be a hero. 
  • Key to win war is to three star a base with your first shot. Pick a base you can three star. If not sure, go lower. Go 5 or more bases lower than your ranking until you find a base you can three star with confidence. 
  • NO mass BARCH attack. Use war troops. No one shall use farming troops with goblins. If you don't' know what to do, talk to leadership. Someone is always on during war time. 
  • Leave the top bases for the top ranked guys. If you rank lower than 10, don't even try unless you have the blessing from fatmat/brett/kitty
  • If your ground troops are lvl 4 and you have no lvl 3 hogs, do not even think about raiding TH8 with them. You won't make it. Lvl 2 mass dragons is the only troop composition that has a chance to 2 star a TH8. 

Enemy War Bases

I am the air raider so I will post bases for the air attacks. Brett, Chris and White Run will have opinions on ground bases

#11 is excellent for air raid. Currently all three xbows are set to ground. Exposed ADs. High level mass dragons after most ADs are taken out is doable for even three star. 

#13 is not bad for mass dragon raid. One AD can be killed by one dragon fireball blow. The rest are clustered in center and their ranges won't reach far enough when you are taking out the outter skirt structures. When in center, rage dragons to kill the ADs and TH quickly

 #14,#17 can be raided by mass dargons. Get rid of the ADs as much as you can. They are quite exposed. #14 seems compact for hogs, but there might be double bombs there. If so, your max hogs will be wiped so be cautious to use hogs on that base. 

#15 #16 can be Gowipe attacked or GoWiWi ... Spread out enough for these ground attacks
#18 might be a good hog base. 

Be cautious to use hogs on #20. Too many traps inside. 

#21 is ringus base. You must break the ring if you use defense targeted troops such as balloons or hogs. Otherwise, they will just go around. Of course, if you can 100% it, doesn't really matter. 

#23 can be air raided by drags. Use hogs to kill 2/3 ADs. Spread dragons on one thing line closest to the last AD, base is urs.

Tracey is trying #33, #34, Poision is trying #35. Do not take these bases unless you are cleaning.

Monday, September 22, 2014

War Journal - AC Columbia 9/21/14

This win is a milestone for our clan. This is the first war in my memory that everyone came together, bounced off ideas, coordinated attacks, gave whatever we could give and did what is the best for the clan, not your personal loot. And everyone took the time to raid smarter. Great job guys! If we keep doing what we did, we will keep winning!!!


  • James and Muzi won the best defenses. 13 attacks wasted on 2 bases! Now I call that good defense!
  • Seejay, Tenzi, Jake, Griffin all achieved 100% on both attacks. 
  • Zedd 4 starred 5,7 with archers. JK.. but he did gain a star with last 5 archers on #5,, the most insane attack of the war.

Why they lose

  • Their #1 guy is a classic example of gemming max troops without the knowledge nor the experiences to use them correctly. Freeze archer tower instead of Air Defense during all dragon raids is dumb ass mistake. And attacking Tenzi instead of higher base is wasting his resources for the clan. 
  • They had 100% participation minus the one guy who quit during the war. However, they are average raiders. Most don't know how to use their troops. Most don't know how to read maps either. One example, they used hogs on GoWiPe base wasted 42 max hog riders. If you look at the amount of three and two stars we did comparing to theirs, that's the very reason why we won and they lost. You have to raid smarter!!!

Here is the stats I am saving since war logs only last a few days.

Friday, September 19, 2014

War against Columbia

Chris/Brett and myself all feel we must coordinate attacks to minimize wastes. Spending 3,4 attacks gaining 2 stars on a lower base is sure way to lose! We need to aim for no more than 2 attacks spent on each base to get 3 stars on lower mid bases and two stars on higher bases.

Each player has two attacks, if one of them aims lower and gains 3 stars, another aims ur own ranking rage, u have a chance to two star it. That will maximize our star counts. Hence, we decide to give players bases to attack and coordinate these attacks.

You should voice your opinions using the comments section. Everyone can comment so please don't be shy. So here we go, I will start with weak air bases and who should do it. It's all about your troop strength and your experiences.

#9: very exposed lower level ADs. Use max balloons or lvl 4,5 hogs to knock out both sides of ADs, lime up dragons from south east end in a thin line to cover all grounds so they will just sweep in instead of going all over the place.  Rage heal near TH. I usually use 2 heals 2 rages. Players should have max loons, or lvl 4 hogs, 4 spells and lvl 3 dragons. CP, Zedd, Kitty

#10: Excellent for Air. All 3 xbows are set to ground. Extremely weak Wiz towers and archer towers for TH10. lvl 5 ADs only. This is equivalent to a TH8 base from Air raid perspective. 
Attack style: Balloonions. Must kill CC.. If there are wiz, balloons are dead. 30 Max balloons, 30 lvl 5+ minions,1  lvl 3 dragons, and troops to kill CC. Heros. 2 rages, 2 heal.
Players: CP, Zedd, Kitty

#12: Gowipe or Gowiwi base.

#15: Hog base.. lvl 4 hogs minimum
crasher, seejay,James

 #17: Can be air raided. Attack from north due do short range of wiz towers without archer towers. Use archers to pick off all loose buildings along the north edge by placing them on the edge of the map. No defense can touch them. Tab on defense buildings to see their ranges so you know where to place archers. Once done, place your dragons in L shape charging directly from north side down toward TH. To three star this base, you must do something to the south side of ADs. Send in hogs or heros, or whatever. Lvl 3 dragons minimum.
Players: Jamespark (need TH9 raider for this)

#18:  Air raid will work. Pick off the lower east side of AD. Attack from north east side charging towards TH. Do not forget to leave some archers to pick off the builders hut on 4 corners. Use your heros to pick off the loose buildings along the side to keep dragons concentrated in the center. Save queen in case you need to finish the TH.
Players: Jamespark (need TH9 raider for this)

#20: Sadak is doing his first raid on this base.

#22: Can try all dragon raid. Key is to keep dragons concentrated in the middle so use archers to pick off the army camps and all the loose buildings along the edges first. A lot of them are far from defenses. Be aware of the three builder huts in the corners. I would go from north west side that's closer to the TH. When you come from that direction, the AD near Dark Elixer storage doesn't have enough range if you fly in from left side to finish the TH and other two ADs.
Players: Tenzi, sadak, jake

#23: Air raid with mass dragons can work.
Tenzi, jake, sadak or anyone has lvl 3 dragons.

#25: One AD is outside, take it out and release mass dragons. lvl 3 minimum
Tenzi, sadak, Jake

 #26: A low level GoWiPe or GoWiWi base

#30: A hog or a dragon base since it's compact enough.
Tracey: Try level 2 hogs or level 2 dragons. If trying dragons, line up dragons in a L shape either from north corner or south corner. Don't go from either left or right corners cuz you will be nailed by both ADs at the same time. Don't forget  the builder huts on 4 corners. Pick them off via archer or barb.

GoWiVa - Golem, Wizard, Valkyrie Attack Strategy

This is a well written guide if you want to try this new army composition two or three star a higher base. It costs a lot of dark, but so is all hog army. So check it out.

GoWiVa Attack strategy

The commenters of this post indicated this strategy works for trophy push to three star a base. Here is a collection of different army compositions you can try :

Th8 players: 2 Golems 10 Wizards 10 wallbreakers 10 valkery's 2 rage and 1 heal
Th9 players: 2 Golems 10 Wizards 20 wallbreakers 10 valkery's 2 rage 1 heal and 1 jump
Th10 players: 2 Golems 15 Wizards 20 wallbreakers 10 valkery's 2 rage 2 heal and 1 jump

Or you can try with 1 Golem 1 Pekka.. Experiment with it.. 

GoWiWi attacking strategy - Aiming for higher bases

This is not my text. I will include a backlink but here is the write up if you want to learn how to master this troop composition:

Here is a really good guide you should check it out:
GoWiWi attacking play by play

 GoWiWi Attack Strategy

GoWiWi is a very powerful troop composition that many top players in Clash of Clans are using. If done correctly, you can achieve 2 stars on literally ANY base.  So, what does it consist of? Golems/Witches/Wizards are the core of the composition. Barbarians and Archers are sprinkled in for luring purposes as well as Wallbreakers to keep your army running strong throughout the base. You will usually want 3 golems, 4 -5Witches, 5-7 Barbarians, 10-15 Archers, 12-22 Wallbreakers, 10-15 Wizards and your 2 heroes (both my heroes are lvl 5, so its not true they must be very high lvl). This is a guide, you will need to try it out and modify the numbers according to your camp capacity and troop lvl.

This attack strategy was meant for Th10, but Th9 could use it with lesser troops but will need to avoid opponent who is Th10 with Infernos (especially those single targeting, your golems will die like moth flying into fire)

Choosing the "Right" Base to Attack
When looking for the base you want to attack, you need to think the opposite compared to if you are attacking with Hogs. With Hogs, you try to find the most compact base, with defenses close together. With GoWiWi, you want an open, spread out base so your Golems and Skeletons have room to run.

When attacking with GoWiWi, Lightning, Rage, Jump, and Freeze spells will all work. It comes down to personal preference and what you think will work best. You generally only want to run jump when using mass Witches (8-14). At Town Hall 9, I'd suggest running 1 Lightning , 1/2 Rage and 1/2 heal. If you think the new jump spell will help which I think it would but at higher lvl of 2 or 3 when it has 40 secs/60secs duration. That may remove the need to bring lots of WBs but this has not been tested out by me. My personal preference now are 2 rage and 2 heal at Th 9

The Lightning Spell is for taking out CC troops and the Rage is for breaking through to the Town Hall

Golem 3 (lvl 3)  - 90
Witches 3 (lvl 2) - 24
Wizards 12 (lvl 5) - 48
Wall breaker 15 (lvl 5) - 30
Rest archers and barbs

Here's the big one. Heroes can no longer be lured, this will be a headache for all hogs attack but not so much for GoWiWi. Heroes attack 1 vs 1, this means they are weak to small troops like barbs, archers and the witches skeletons. If heroes are deep within base, you time your rage spells and let them see stars. You might also want to send in yr barb king to engage, now that he is a tanker and with healing abilities. He is best use to cover your underlings.

Next, you want to position yr golems to absorb the defense's fire. Golems are thick skin but their attacks are weak. This is where yr WBs will come in as huge support for them breaking walls allow them to engage/distract the towers. 

Witches are then drop near the edge of the map far away from defense tower and also giving them enough time and distance to resurrect 2 waves of skeletons. Skeletons have twice the speed of witches, this is good and ensuring that the skeles surge forward tanking for the witches. Max number of skeles for lvl 1 witches are 6 and lvl 2 are 8. And do note that rage spell does not make witches summon faster.

After talking so much, the most important is not cover.... The path of the GoWiWi is to aim straight for the th! This would means you will need to create a open path with yr wall breakers for yr gowiwi to get to the centre of the base and rage on! Archer Queen should be the last troop you use.

Thanks for the original post :

Thursday, September 18, 2014

Dragon Balloon Attack strategy for War

Max balloons are great assets to knock out any defenses to pave the road for dragons. With 648  damage per attack, it takes just 2 shots to kill a level 7 Air Defense. The problem is it's relatively lower health of 545 even at max level. So the concept is to use Dragon as the shield to provide a chance for the balloons to attack. Lots of people recommend lining up dragons as front line troops and followed by a few max balloons and deploy near AD to quickly destroy air defense.

I have raided enough with dragons to know that the only threat to a mass dragon raid on any maps except for TH10 is AD. That's it. Xbows are just higher level archer towers (lvl 3 xbow attack power = lvl 12 archer tower with triple amount of health).

Here is a cool TH9 raid by Dragons and Balloons.The attacker used balloons and heros to knock out ADs and three starred this base.

Wednesday, September 17, 2014

It's Clan War base contest time!!!

Best defending war base wins $10 gem money! Make an ass kicking war base!!

Was talking to a few guys online today (James, Tenzi, etc..) We are going to have a clan war base contest for this upcoming war. Here is how you can win $10 gem money:

Make an ass kicking war base to make 3 starring you as difficult as possible. 

Take the number of stars you lost divided by the number of attacks, that's the number. Smallest number wins!!

For example in the last war, Will's base took 4 attacks and only gave up one star. That's 0.25. Tenzi defended well as well, 3 attacks on him and only gave 2 stars, thats 0.67. Kitty did horrible, 1 attack three starred her base. So she gets 3. Giant number. She loses!

The TH8 folks are having better chance to win this because you are expected to be three starred. So if your base holds up, they will keep attacking you. Let's see how many attacks you can hold up!!

Tuesday, September 16, 2014

Thoughts on Lava Hound lvl 1

After a few epic failures using Lava Hound, I have some thoughts about it.

Main purpose of Lava Hound is to be a tanky distraction to shield balloons, dragons and minions from getting taken out too quickly. However, the cons of Lava Hound makes this objective very difficult to achieve. Here is why:

  • Too fast! With the speed nearly twice as fast as balloons and dragons, the hound gets out by itself and it really defeats the purpose of tanking for the rest of the air troops
  • Health is too low as a tank. At lvl 1 with 5700 points, two lvl 6 ADs with bunch of archer towers or Wiz towers can take out a hound within 10 seconds. Not enough time to shield for balloons and dragons. 
  • Attacking power is way too low. 10 per second is a joke. Lvl 6 minion deals 54 per second. Lava Hound practically has no attacking power at all.
So being said, how to use Lava Hound efficiently? Well, theoretically:
  • Look for bases with ADs not spreading too far apart from each other. If they do, Lava Hound can fly out by itself and nobody is gonna follow and they die fast.
  • You must deploy the balloons right after them and rage balloons to follow the hounds fast. Dragons the same but dragons won't follow sometimes if there are too many structures around. Balloons have a better chance cuz they target at defenses
  • Now, here is the biggest difference from the regular balloonion attack. Usually we hold on to our minions because of the air attacks can vaporize them fast. Now, you probably need to release a few to accompany the balloons and lava hounds simply because minion's speed is comparable to Hound's. Then try to rage everybody together.  
Here is one of the better attacks on a TH9. If you look closely, I had one balloon..ONE balloon able to take out a lvl 5 AD because hounds were on top of it.. Balloon suffered no damage. 

Lava Hound Attack Strategy

A lot of people noticed Lava Hound is not that great with dragons. You'd think if they knock out ADs, dragons can roam free. The problem is Lava Hound's attack stats is awful. With just 10 per second, it is never meant for taking out ADs, but a distraction only so other troops can take out ADs quickly. Dragons are very slow and easily distracted, so they are not great units to accompany Lava Hound. Instead, max balloons is the best choice.

We have seen the Lava Hound/Mass Balloons/Mass minions army composition in the earlier videos I posted. Here is another one with the dragons and Mass Balloons. The key is to have loons to accompany Lava Hound since Balloon targets at defense only and has very strong attacking power (162 per second). Dragons and minions are meant for clean up.

Check out some army compositions here on this great post.
Army compositions with Lava Hound

Enjoy the video!!

Here is the Lava Hound lvl 1 stats:

Monday, September 15, 2014

Clan Contest 1 Results

Congratulations to BrendN. With 900k loot and just some archers, it is a hard to beat raid he did.

You earned your $10 card. Please let Kitty know what device you play on to get either a Google play card or an iTune card.

Team Fatmat Past Wars and Lesson Learned

From each win or loss, we can learn a few things... So here we go.

Clan Australia

This is the clan that sucked at attacking but did an awesome job with participation and placing the witches in CC to mess us up. Landen's pekka, Tenzi's dragons, even Chris Fatmat's max dragons all overshot and went after the stupid skeletons instead of taking down the THs. But we were much smarter with attacks comparing to a few wars back. Also Gjurovich's base defended 5 attacks and they only one starred his base. Great job winning this war mates!!

Clan SharpShooter

A lot of us got caught off guard while battling with this clan. 
"My troops went the wrong way!!!" "This is an easy base. Why did I just one starred it?!?"
We lost not because we suck at attacking, because most of their bases are tougher than you think. Especially those TH8 bases.We wasted a lot of attacks on their TH8 bases and not gaining many stars. So this clan proved to us defense is just as important as offense. Especially the TH8 folks! If you can make them go through hell to three star you, we win the war.

Clan #Night Clan TLP

I checked them out and it is a trophy clan and they have a ton feeder clans feeding them for warring. And as we experienced, they are the most skillful air raiders to date. 
I don't have screenshot but I remember their destruction rate was in the 90%. They practically three starred our lower bases with one try only. 
The tactics they use is to do everything possible to knock out ADs and then release dragons. They used lighting spells, hogs, balloons to deal with Air Defenses. Not a single player just mass released the dragons before doing some kind of ground work. 

We lost to them 78 - 95. Their last 10 attacks were just sniping for outside THs for loot. So if they wanted to, they could push it well above 100 stars. 

Clan InvictusCordoba

They are above average fighters. But look at their participation : 100%!!!! That's why we lost. When I saw this clan had 100% of participation even in the first 12 hours, I knew we were in trouble. Participation, Participation, Participation. So we will keep kicking the inactive attackers during war until we have above 90% participation. 

Balloonion raids with Lava Hound Take Down Max TH10

Max balloons with lvl 4+ minions have been doing wonders for me in higher TH9 raids. It's expensive at 140K elixer and 450 dark a raid, I usually don't make my money back. Also with ADs all over the place, balloons are very fragile. Minions can vaporize in front of a dark purple crystal wizard tower. So this approach is awesome, but very risky.

But check out Chief Pat's new Lava Hound addition that will take Balloonion attacks straight into the master league

If you want to get into Balloonion attack style, check out this awesome guide :

Balloonion Attack Strategy Guide

Sunday, September 14, 2014

Clan Contests!!!!

I will be doing regular clan contests to give away $10 - $25 iTune cards for you gem lovers to buy gems.
Check the right column "pages and announcement" for the current contest. Good luck!

In addition, anyone who gives us good idea for the next contest wins a card from me too. $10 card for a contest idea that is implemented.

Brett is the first winner. He came up with contest #1.

Our second winner is Malik! His idea will be contest #2 starting on our next war break day. Stay tuned.

Congrats Brett and Malik!!!!

If you have an idea, leave a comment here.

Friday, September 12, 2014

TH8 Players War Attack Strategies

While TH9 players have a lot of options with their near maxed troops, TH8 players are somewhat at loss with the limited amount of selections of army composition to ensure a good 2, 3 star attack. This guide is intended for those TH8 players with mostly lvl 1 pekka, lvl 2 dragons, and not a lot of dark troops.

Option 1: All dragons with 3 rages or 3 lighting if lvl 4+

All dragons is an expensive but most powerful attacking unit IF you can take ADs into consideration. A base without Air Defense cannot stop dragon units. So don't think you can just drop the dragons and go. You must do everything possible to get rid of these ADs as soon as possible. There are a few ways to do that. One is to use some other troops to get rid of the ADs on outer skirt of the map. Or use 3 lighting spells (if level 4 +) to kill the deep AD. Or you can use rage spells and place the dragons near the ADs to quickly take them out.
Mass dragon raid is probably one of the very few attacking methods that can afford ignoring the CC troops. When they come out in a cluster, one fire ball can kill most of them.

Here is a demo of a good dragon raids. Watch how the player take ADs into consideration and how he places his dragons

Option 2: GiWiPe - Giants Wiz Pekka

Giants target at defense and acting as meat shield for Wiz. Wiz can do a lot of damages to the buildings and Pekka are meaty enough to take a lot of hit while cleaning. Add some archers to pick off some loose structures. Maybe a healer to keep your giants going if ADs are out. Check out this demo :

Option 3: Hybrid : Giants Wiz Hogs with healing

Squatting Bear does this very successfully even before he had max giants. I saved a video of him raiding a TH8 100% . The nice part of this combo is that it's resource efficient so you don't burn out on spending too much on either dark nor elixer. Both giants and hogs are targeting at defenses so your wiz can roam around taking out the rest. 

Check out Squatting bear's 3 star performance. 

Option 4: All Hog Riders with 3 healing

Next up is all hog riders with at least 34 hogs lvl 3 minimum. And lots of healing spells. When and where to place healing spells break or seal your deal. Since hogs target at defense, drop healing when a group of hogs are at below 50% health and near most of the defense buildings. You need to learn how to predict where they are going. So you know how to place healing. Without healing, hogs can die in seconds. So play carefully with this option. 

Options to avoid and other tips

  • No one should put out a 100 barbs 100 archer army thinking you can 2 star a near max TH8 base. That's idiotic. We had someone did that in the last war. 
  • No one with lvl 4 ground troop shall target any TH9 base either with just giants and wiz and one or two dragons. You will suffer a miserable death. Yes we had people doing that too!!
  • A plain Giants/Healer/Archer/Barb/WB farm army will not conquer a strong TH8 base. You must add tanks such as pekka or golem into the mix. Power troops must be mixed into your composition. 
  • If you only have Lvl 1 dragon, taking out ADs becomes even more critical to your success. Simply mass dropping them in an area will get you killed because dragon is slow and easily distracted. 

War Base Samples for TH8 - USE one of them!

TH8 bases are actually more important than TH9 for the clan to win wars. They are the low bases expected to be 3 starred. If we make it as difficult as possible for them to three star these bases and force them to waste a lot of attacks, we win. The following TH8 samples can be two starred, no question. But three starring them will be a bit tougher. So please use one of them or create one that fulfills this goal.

TH8 sample 1:
 image is kinda small, but you get the concept. spread spread and spread. This is also an anti hog base.

TH8 sample 2: 
A ring base with well hidden teslas and seeking air mines. Hide your strongest air defense inside.

TH8 sample 3: 
Ring base, spread out, well protected CC and ADs. Lots room for traps.

TH8 Sample 4:
This is an anti hog base:

TH8 Sample #5
This is not a ringus base. But it is well spread making CC and TH hard to get to. Dragon will have trouble with it.

So take your pick or create your own!!

The Deadly Ring Bases

You get frustrated when your troops completely took a wrong turn, went the other way instead of targeting at the center TH. Why why why?!?!?! Did I not train my troops well???

What dictates where your troops go next???
First, you need to understand how the computer calculates where your troops go. For defense targeted troops such as giants, balloons and hogs, they will go to the nearest defense building. So in this following example, if the attacker targets at the archer town, they will go around either to the left or right following my blue pens instead of the mortar simply because of distance. It's all Math people!!!

Ring Base Concept
Hence, a ring base concept is born. What about placing all defense buildings in an outer ring, and place TH, CC guarded by mortars and ADs in the inner ring, buffered by the resource buildings?? For TH9, xbows will accompany ADs to sit in the center. So when the troops go around in the outer ring, you can take them out whether its' ground or air. Here is TH9 ring base although I would place ADs inside instead of mortars:

The Deadliest of the Deadly Ring bases:
The deadliest of all ring bases are those that don't discriminate against the troop types. These bases have one object only is to prevent ALL troops from going into the core of the base. The only way to do it is to use walls to separate the rings instead of using buildings to buffer. I got owned by this base design so I copied it. So now you can see that due to distance calculation. Even dragons will have a hard time going into the core.

How to break a ring base
There are ways to defeat ring base. 100% it is one way. But if you have limited power, you can defeat it by breaking the ring. Using this base as an example, you take out the two corners of the defenses highlighted in red, hold your other troops until these buildings are gone, then drop the rest between them (highlight in blue), then, per computer calculation, the middle is closer and hence you will have the TH.

How to Build a Winning War Base

Well losing war sucks. We didn't fight horribly in our last war. We lost because the opponent had some exceptional well thought after war bases. After studying war bases for a while, I have concluded that a winning war base should have these following elements built in :
1) Make CC inaccessible
2) Try best to keep TH out of reach and forcing attacking troops to go around of your base.
3) ADs and traps are your life insurance

Differences between a farm map vs a war map
First, you must understand the differences between a farm base vs a war base and how to read them. A farm base's objective is to protect all of your resource storage. And you don't care if your raiders 80% you as long as they are having a hard time getting to your resource. Typically, farmers are cheap on raiding armies so they don't use air raids as much. Instead, farmers like to use cheap ground troops such as giants, barbs and archers. So for a farm base, you want a lot of walls to keep them out.

But war bases are different. The objective for a war base is to
1) Make it very difficult to 50% you for the attackers.Spread out your map and hide CC deep!!!!
2) Do not let them get to your TH.
By successfully implementing these two objectives into your base design, you minimize the chances of being two or three starred.

Now the question is how to build a war base. 
1. Spread out your structures to cover as much real estate as possible and HIDE CC deep!!
Think about it. If your war base only covers 2/3 of the map, it will take much less time to destroy you comparing to a base that uses every inch of the map. So spread them out and make sure there are no holes in middle. In addition, now your war base is nearly twice as big, it will make the task of louring out your CC troops a nightmare. We all witnessed that from our last war. Their bases are so spread out.. and CC was hidden so deep, it was taking way too much time and resources to kill their CC troops.
Here is aTH8 map I liked from that last clan we fought against. CC was not easy to draw out!! Great job spreading out the building and use wall pieces to seal the potential holes. Lots of rooms for traps and hidden teslas.

2. Keep ADs and traps inside of the base
When people are attacking you for stars, they use aggressive armies such as dragons and hogs and tanks like golem and pekka. Keeping ADs inaccessible scares the shit out of the dragon raiders (well let's see how new lava hound will destroy that theory).  Traps such as big bombs and spring traps will save your ass from the hog riders. So you want to give the attackers impression that you have a shit load of traps inside of the base and so you dont' become an easy target for dragon and hog raiders.

This is a very weak hog base.
It's so clustered together, giving no rooms for traps inside. Hogs can roam free and finish this in record time.  And it is so close to the edge, gives enemy all kinds of advantage to raid your base without traveling at all!!! If anyone still has a base like this, CHANGE it!!!

TH8 war base sample: 
This is an intimidating base with so many empty spots that could be the tesla, bombs, etc.It is also a ring base with an outter defense ring which will force these defense targeted troops go around the base :

3. Ring base is the most deadly base of all
How to make TH and CC inaccessible?? Besides spreading out your structures to cover all grounds, a concept of ring base surfaced recently. It is a type of base that places TH in the inner ring and forces attackers to go around and around in the outter ring. They can 80% you, but without getting to your TH, they can only one star you.  I will have another post dedicated to the ring base design. This is exactly what happened to my attacker during the last war.My war base is a ring base. I used 3 layers of walls to create the inner and outter ring so my TH will be the very last standing structure if things go well. Every one should learn how to spot a ring base so you are not caught off guard when your troops went the other direction.