Friday, September 12, 2014

How to Build a Winning War Base

Well losing war sucks. We didn't fight horribly in our last war. We lost because the opponent had some exceptional well thought after war bases. After studying war bases for a while, I have concluded that a winning war base should have these following elements built in :
1) Make CC inaccessible
2) Try best to keep TH out of reach and forcing attacking troops to go around of your base.
3) ADs and traps are your life insurance

Differences between a farm map vs a war map
First, you must understand the differences between a farm base vs a war base and how to read them. A farm base's objective is to protect all of your resource storage. And you don't care if your raiders 80% you as long as they are having a hard time getting to your resource. Typically, farmers are cheap on raiding armies so they don't use air raids as much. Instead, farmers like to use cheap ground troops such as giants, barbs and archers. So for a farm base, you want a lot of walls to keep them out.

But war bases are different. The objective for a war base is to
1) Make it very difficult to 50% you for the attackers.Spread out your map and hide CC deep!!!!
2) Do not let them get to your TH.
By successfully implementing these two objectives into your base design, you minimize the chances of being two or three starred.

Now the question is how to build a war base. 
1. Spread out your structures to cover as much real estate as possible and HIDE CC deep!!
Think about it. If your war base only covers 2/3 of the map, it will take much less time to destroy you comparing to a base that uses every inch of the map. So spread them out and make sure there are no holes in middle. In addition, now your war base is nearly twice as big, it will make the task of louring out your CC troops a nightmare. We all witnessed that from our last war. Their bases are so spread out.. and CC was hidden so deep, it was taking way too much time and resources to kill their CC troops.
Here is aTH8 map I liked from that last clan we fought against. CC was not easy to draw out!! Great job spreading out the building and use wall pieces to seal the potential holes. Lots of rooms for traps and hidden teslas.

2. Keep ADs and traps inside of the base
When people are attacking you for stars, they use aggressive armies such as dragons and hogs and tanks like golem and pekka. Keeping ADs inaccessible scares the shit out of the dragon raiders (well let's see how new lava hound will destroy that theory).  Traps such as big bombs and spring traps will save your ass from the hog riders. So you want to give the attackers impression that you have a shit load of traps inside of the base and so you dont' become an easy target for dragon and hog raiders.

This is a very weak hog base.
It's so clustered together, giving no rooms for traps inside. Hogs can roam free and finish this in record time.  And it is so close to the edge, gives enemy all kinds of advantage to raid your base without traveling at all!!! If anyone still has a base like this, CHANGE it!!!

TH8 war base sample: 
This is an intimidating base with so many empty spots that could be the tesla, bombs, etc.It is also a ring base with an outter defense ring which will force these defense targeted troops go around the base :

3. Ring base is the most deadly base of all
How to make TH and CC inaccessible?? Besides spreading out your structures to cover all grounds, a concept of ring base surfaced recently. It is a type of base that places TH in the inner ring and forces attackers to go around and around in the outter ring. They can 80% you, but without getting to your TH, they can only one star you.  I will have another post dedicated to the ring base design. This is exactly what happened to my attacker during the last war.My war base is a ring base. I used 3 layers of walls to create the inner and outter ring so my TH will be the very last standing structure if things go well. Every one should learn how to spot a ring base so you are not caught off guard when your troops went the other direction.

1 comment:

  1. The three elements of a winning war base are crucial for victory. A balanced blend of defense, trap placement, and centralized Clan Castle ensures strategic resilience. Can I Hacked A well-structured base keeps enemies at bay.
