Sunday, September 14, 2014

Clan Contests!!!!

I will be doing regular clan contests to give away $10 - $25 iTune cards for you gem lovers to buy gems.
Check the right column "pages and announcement" for the current contest. Good luck!

In addition, anyone who gives us good idea for the next contest wins a card from me too. $10 card for a contest idea that is implemented.

Brett is the first winner. He came up with contest #1.

Our second winner is Malik! His idea will be contest #2 starting on our next war break day. Stay tuned.

Congrats Brett and Malik!!!!

If you have an idea, leave a comment here.


  1. I will be doing regular clan contests to give away $10 - $25 iTune cards for you gem lovers to buy gems.
    Check the right column "pages and announcement" for the current contest. Good luck!
    clash of clans hack
