Friday, September 12, 2014

The Deadly Ring Bases

You get frustrated when your troops completely took a wrong turn, went the other way instead of targeting at the center TH. Why why why?!?!?! Did I not train my troops well???

What dictates where your troops go next???
First, you need to understand how the computer calculates where your troops go. For defense targeted troops such as giants, balloons and hogs, they will go to the nearest defense building. So in this following example, if the attacker targets at the archer town, they will go around either to the left or right following my blue pens instead of the mortar simply because of distance. It's all Math people!!!

Ring Base Concept
Hence, a ring base concept is born. What about placing all defense buildings in an outer ring, and place TH, CC guarded by mortars and ADs in the inner ring, buffered by the resource buildings?? For TH9, xbows will accompany ADs to sit in the center. So when the troops go around in the outer ring, you can take them out whether its' ground or air. Here is TH9 ring base although I would place ADs inside instead of mortars:

The Deadliest of the Deadly Ring bases:
The deadliest of all ring bases are those that don't discriminate against the troop types. These bases have one object only is to prevent ALL troops from going into the core of the base. The only way to do it is to use walls to separate the rings instead of using buildings to buffer. I got owned by this base design so I copied it. So now you can see that due to distance calculation. Even dragons will have a hard time going into the core.

How to break a ring base
There are ways to defeat ring base. 100% it is one way. But if you have limited power, you can defeat it by breaking the ring. Using this base as an example, you take out the two corners of the defenses highlighted in red, hold your other troops until these buildings are gone, then drop the rest between them (highlight in blue), then, per computer calculation, the middle is closer and hence you will have the TH.

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