Friday, September 12, 2014

TH8 Players War Attack Strategies

While TH9 players have a lot of options with their near maxed troops, TH8 players are somewhat at loss with the limited amount of selections of army composition to ensure a good 2, 3 star attack. This guide is intended for those TH8 players with mostly lvl 1 pekka, lvl 2 dragons, and not a lot of dark troops.

Option 1: All dragons with 3 rages or 3 lighting if lvl 4+

All dragons is an expensive but most powerful attacking unit IF you can take ADs into consideration. A base without Air Defense cannot stop dragon units. So don't think you can just drop the dragons and go. You must do everything possible to get rid of these ADs as soon as possible. There are a few ways to do that. One is to use some other troops to get rid of the ADs on outer skirt of the map. Or use 3 lighting spells (if level 4 +) to kill the deep AD. Or you can use rage spells and place the dragons near the ADs to quickly take them out.
Mass dragon raid is probably one of the very few attacking methods that can afford ignoring the CC troops. When they come out in a cluster, one fire ball can kill most of them.

Here is a demo of a good dragon raids. Watch how the player take ADs into consideration and how he places his dragons

Option 2: GiWiPe - Giants Wiz Pekka

Giants target at defense and acting as meat shield for Wiz. Wiz can do a lot of damages to the buildings and Pekka are meaty enough to take a lot of hit while cleaning. Add some archers to pick off some loose structures. Maybe a healer to keep your giants going if ADs are out. Check out this demo :

Option 3: Hybrid : Giants Wiz Hogs with healing

Squatting Bear does this very successfully even before he had max giants. I saved a video of him raiding a TH8 100% . The nice part of this combo is that it's resource efficient so you don't burn out on spending too much on either dark nor elixer. Both giants and hogs are targeting at defenses so your wiz can roam around taking out the rest. 

Check out Squatting bear's 3 star performance. 

Option 4: All Hog Riders with 3 healing

Next up is all hog riders with at least 34 hogs lvl 3 minimum. And lots of healing spells. When and where to place healing spells break or seal your deal. Since hogs target at defense, drop healing when a group of hogs are at below 50% health and near most of the defense buildings. You need to learn how to predict where they are going. So you know how to place healing. Without healing, hogs can die in seconds. So play carefully with this option. 

Options to avoid and other tips

  • No one should put out a 100 barbs 100 archer army thinking you can 2 star a near max TH8 base. That's idiotic. We had someone did that in the last war. 
  • No one with lvl 4 ground troop shall target any TH9 base either with just giants and wiz and one or two dragons. You will suffer a miserable death. Yes we had people doing that too!!
  • A plain Giants/Healer/Archer/Barb/WB farm army will not conquer a strong TH8 base. You must add tanks such as pekka or golem into the mix. Power troops must be mixed into your composition. 
  • If you only have Lvl 1 dragon, taking out ADs becomes even more critical to your success. Simply mass dropping them in an area will get you killed because dragon is slow and easily distracted. 


  1. Go wipe is best attack for th8
    I did same when i was th8
    1 rage 2 heal
    2 golem 12 wb 1 pekka rest wiz with few archs n barbs
